A new study provides evidence that we need a certain amount of sleep every night, because the brain takes this time to rid itself of toxic metabolic byproducts, which would otherwise accumulate in the brain and impair brain function, destroy neurons — and potentially cause neurodegenerative disorders.


Why sleep is important


And research on the impact of sleep deprivation:


Sleep deprivation can lead to
-major accidents
-impaired thinking and reasoning
-health problems
-memory impairment
-weight gain
-impaired judgement


-Reduced sleep for a prolonged period of time can decrease insulin sensitivity (and thus is a risk factor for diabetes)
-Sleep deprivation can cause you to overeat or move less.


-just one night of sleep deprivation was enough to impair activity in your frontal lobe, which controls complex decision-making.


-Children who don’t get enough sleep often become hyperactive and obstinate (or “cranky,” as your mom called it). There is growing suspicion that many children with sleep disorders have been misdiagnosed as having A.D.H.D.
-The National Sleep Foundation says that children between the ages of five and 12 require 10 to 11 hours of sleep each night. For working parents, this can be a real challenge to enforce.
-Erratic bedtimes can cause a similar effect to jet lag
-Findings suggest the effects are reversible. For example, children who change from not having to having regular bedtimes show improvements in their behavior



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